Feeling Tired and Fatigued? Eat Peanuts, They May Help You!


We live in a stressful world and sometimes you may feel tired and have a lack of energy. Peanuts may help you to fight the tiredness and fatigue of everyday life. How? 

Peanuts are high in Vitamin B3, B6, pantothenic acid and magnesium[1][2], which as part of your diet, contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue[3], making you feel yourself again and giving you more energy.

Facts and Figures

Did you know that peanuts grow in tropical and subtropical climates? Also, peanuts are cultivated in over one hundred countries across all five continents[4]. They are widely cultivated for their high-quality edible oil as well as for their use for human consumption and fodder.

Nowadays, the major producing countries of peanuts are China, India, Nigeria, United States, Indonesia and Argentina. Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are an annual leguminous herb native to South America. From there, they are thought to have been brought to Africa by missionaries and pioneers, and from Africa to America by slave traders[5].


Contrary to what many people believe, peanuts are not a tree nut but a legume. Peanuts contain properties of both beans/lentils and tree nuts[6]. And, did you know that Alan Shepard, commander of Apollo 14, took one peanut with him to the moon in 1971[7]? 

[1] USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Legacy Release April, 2018.
[2] Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods.
[3] Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012 of 16 May 2012.
[4] Mohan, M., & Nigam, S. N. (2013). Principles and practices for groundnut seed production in India. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh (India).
[5] Klijn J. W. 2012. Nuts and dried fruit. 3rd Edition. pp. 60-67. ISBN 978-90-78206-70-5.
[6]   American Peanut Council. http://www.peanutsusa.com/about-peanuts/the-peanut-industry3/1-fast-facts-about-peanuts.html/
[7] Nelson V.J. (2008). Obituaries: Jay Fiondella. Chez Jay’s flamboyant owner turned it into a haven for stars. Los Angeles Time. Nov 13.

Feeling Tired and Fatigued? Eat Peanuts, They May Help You!



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