Did you know that, according to the Russian Botanist Vavilov, there are three places that could be the origin of dried apricots: The Chinese (China and Tibet), the Central Asian (from Tien-Shan to Kashmir) and the Near-Eastern (Iran, Caucasus and Turkey).
Apricots spread from Central Asia to Europe and later the Spaniards and the English took it to America. Nowadays, Turkey is the leading producing country of dried apricots and other main producers currently are Iran, Uzbekistan, China and Afghanistan.
Why are Dried Apricots Good for Your Health?

Dried apricots are high in fiber, potassium, copper, vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and, of all dried fruits, they contain the highest amount of vitamin A (3604 IU/100 g). They are a source of iron and niacin and the content of β-carotene in dried apricots is 2163 mcg in 100 g. Dried apricots contain the highest amount of the pigment, which is part of provitamin A carotenoids.
Facts and Figures

Malatya, the major apricot-producing city in Turkey, is known as the “World Capital of Dried Apricots”. The inhabitants of Hunza (Pakistan) enjoy remarkable health and longevity, attributed in part to their famous small dried apricots.